Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Technological Future

Many people wonder what the future would be like at the rate we develop new technology every day. We seem to keep innovation going so we can seek out easier means to go about our daily lives. For example the home computer we all know and love back in the 1970's was unheard of. So it's only taken us roughly 30's years to what seems to what could never happen in one person's life time. Other things like the compact cell phone. It seems to keep getting smaller and smaller, and it seems like to the ordinary person that there is just about a new line of better and faster and yet smaller cell phone for the ordinary person. So with just about any product you will see a computer in it now a days. With the way computers are being changed it is said that by 2015 Computers will get changed totally about every month, now there changing about every 6 Months.
With everything changing to computers to our daily lives let alone them getting smaller, our future from what I see looks both snazy and grim at the same time. You hear talk from all over about robots doing the jobs of people in our stead. Well what does it take to make a robot, a computer of course. These robots that engineers try to invent have the purpose to do things that ordinary humans could not. So think of it as a pully system, where you can use less energy for you to lift a certain heavy object a great distance. This means that we can use these robots to move very heavy objects with which a truck or some sort of vehicle could with less space to take up. If you've ever seen Ironman, this is one of my takes on what the future is going to look like. Not necessarily exactly like what he does but fairly close. So with robotic arms and the like we can lift cars on our own and even fly. I also see the downfall in this as it closely relates to iRobot. Obviously in the world of man there is going to be that one person that is inventing solely for one purpose, Power. So eventually we will get to taking humans out of the front lines of war and putting in robots to fight. With further bettering these machines we will try to make them closely related to humans in which we will try to put up artificial brains to make them think like humans. Now this is where iRobots relation comes in and it relates almost exactly. This is where the crisis of these machines come in is they then might realize that humans are inferior and they can take control of their own creators. This also relates to The matrix in a sense that machines take over. The one big crucial problem that people aways ask is will these robots take the jobs of humans and unemployment will rise around the world. Well if we take the Ironman approach and still require humans to run these pieces of technology then no they will still get paid, the main issue is people learning how to use the equiptment. I do believe that will come in time if this would ever happen and it might even help employ more people possibly.
But looking on the bright side of things you obviously see the betterment of society as a whole. With all of these new supercomputers people can live their lives easier and won't have to strain themselves everyday doing hard work. We can put in computers to refrigerators that have a bar code scanner on it and an Ethernet cable for the internet so when you swipe stuff out of your fridge it keeps track of how much of certain items you have in there so if you're getting low it automatically goes on line finds the lowest prices and orders from that certain place of the products you need and they end up at your front doorstep without you going to the grocery store. This does by the way exist in the world today if you were wondering. Even to some far off things these computers can let us explore space to its fullest. So now we can possibly use these to do further tests on other planets and also use them to find possible habitats that can make living possible on another planet. I've always looked at the bright side of technological advancement because if everyone believes that it can be great then we won't suffer the consequences of people fighting for power using these supercomputers as weapons.

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