Friday, October 10, 2008

The Lifesaving Bracelet

It is a Friday night and you are heading to the largest band concert on the West Coast. When you get to the concert, you call your friends to meet up. You slide your phone back into your humongous pockets and start to bob your head along with everyone else. While you are out jamming in the crowd your friends go behind the stage to see if they could get backstage passes. They end up getting in and give you a call to get you in too. But you do not answer the phone. You do not even know it is going off. After the concert you look at your phone and realize that you missed a call. You call your friends back to ask why they called. They tell you that they were trying to invite you backstage with them but because you missed the call you missed one of the biggest experiences of your life.

This unfortunate circumstance could have been avoided with the BluAlert Bluetooth Bracelet. This bracelet is the answer to everyone who has trouble hearing their phone go off in their pocket. The bracelet is compatible with almost every type of cell phone that utilizes Bluetooth technology. You can program it so that every time you receive a call it will go off. The way the bracelet alerts you of a phone call is by vibrating. When the phone receives a call it sends a Bluetooth signal to the bracelet that causes it to vibrate. You can wear this bracelet around your wrist or if you are too cool to have it on your wrist you can also put it around your ankle. As an added bonus the bracelet will also keep you from ever losing your phone again. The bracelet has a built in program that will cause it to go off if the bracelet is more than 5 meters away from the phone. So for all of you that lose your phones this would be a great tool for you as well.

Now you will get that call from your parents telling you to get home because they just bought you a new car. Or from your friend reminding you that you have an exam in ten minutes and you had better be there otherwise it is the end for you grade. With the BluAlert Bluetooth Bracelet you should never miss a phone call or even lose your phone.

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