Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Your Brain Speaks Out

Supposedly the Army is getting funds to develop "synthetic telepathy." Their goal of this project is for people to send messages to others through thought. Head researcher Dr. D'Zmura says that they will need lots of research to complete this project yet it will bring a great advancement to the world. He says the army will use these for covert operations and make it easier for groups to stay togeather and be quiet. Dr. D'Zmura did say that he does beleive this will have more use in the civilian world then the military world. One example he propsed is "The eventual application I see is for students sitting in the back of the lecture hall not paying attention because they are texting," said D'Zmura. "Instead, students could be back there, just thinking to each other." Obviously this will bring issues to the education system but by that time im sure schools could figure out a way to counter that. Where this would go after this takes off in the world, no one knows but what could be very wierd to think about is we could soon live in a world where we dont have to speak anymore.


Anonymous said...

First off... very interesting blog. The title really caught my attention. On the other hand, are you for real? They are actually tryin to come up with something like this. Thats crazy to think about. I could talk to you without actually saying a single word to you at all. Unbelievable. Do you think our world will come to this? Personally it makes us seem kind of lazy in the fact that we won't have to talk anymore. And do you think you would be able to hear what each person is thinking or will there be a way to specifically "talk" to someone and they wouldn't be able to hear your thoughts? Questions, questions, questions. I still think its crazy. This topic reminds me of a movie I saw, not exactly sure what it was called, I think maybe "What women want." but anyway this guy could hear what women around him were thinking. I think it would be different if we as people could actually do this. But nice work on your blog. I really enjoyed reading it.

daydreamer said...

I totally agree. I know technology these days is amazing but wow... I never would have thought it would come to this. I find it a little creepy, myself. I wouldn't want someone in the seat next to me to be able to eavesdrop in on my thoughts...Its kinda like something off of some science fiction movie where we all lose the ability to speak and everything is done with our minds... weird. But nice job on the blog! I also enjoyed reading it!