Wednesday, October 22, 2008

New Electricity

Experts from Yale University are saying that it could be possible to start using ideas from the eel. They say that if eels can produce up to 500 volts of electricity to stun there victims then why cant we. These experts have been researching the biology of the eel to figure out how exactly the eel can produce this much voltage. They found out that in the blood they pump out positivly charged vitamins through there system and leave a mass of negativly charged cells. When they open up certain blood ways there is a rush of electrons causing high numbers of voltage.
From this they say that the fuel used to drive the pumps that you can put in is sugar. They said that they could power up a remote which uses about 1.5 volts with the invented pump and some sugar now. The scientists on thsi project say that they want to eventually move to photosynthisis so it will knock out the middle man so to speak. Which means the cells will produce there own sugars by the sun and not having to feed them.
So to think about this in possibly simplier terms. You could have a car that runs on cells that could be the same cells inside your body if you had the right process and sugars flowing through them.

1 comment:

mavsoccer08 said...

It is good that scientists are figuring out every possible way to produce power. Hopefully this "new electricity" isn't harmful and is fairly cheap. I am amazed at some of the places that scientists try to get power from. Who would have thought to get electricity from eels? We need to do everything that we can to save the enviornment and prevent using up all of the natural resources before it is too late. I am not a enviornmentalist, but I don't like having our resources wasted when we could be using alternative sources for power.