Friday, October 24, 2008

Fake Out!

Who has had their home broken into? I have been lucky not to and I am sorry to hear if you have. You hear about burglary sprees throughout the state and you have to wonder if they will eventually get you. There are certain steps you can take to prevent these people from breaking into your house. First, you must lock all your windows and doors. Then another thing you can do is invest in a security system that should help stop them from breaking in. You should also leave a light on in your house to make it seem like someone is there even though you are not. All this would do some good but what you really need is a Fake TV Burglar Deterrent Device. Yes the name might be long but this thing could save your house from being burglarized.

The Fake TV is exactly what it sounds like, a fake TV. This device is actually just a light that changes colors. It is a small little box that projects light throughout a room. It even changes colors to make it seem more like a TV than just a standard house light. The changing colors are more like changing channels and make it seem to anyone walking outside that there is someone in the house. The Fake TV is designed to imitate a real TV. It has a few preset functions it runs through making it seem to be real. The functions can imitate fading, swelling, flicks, on-screen motion, and changing colors. This device uses a super-bright multicolor LED light output that is equal to a typical 26” HDTV LCD television. I do not think you could get any more realistic without actually having a TV on. The Fake TV also is a power saver; it consumes fifty times less power than a regular TV.

I can see it now; I need to leave in the middle of the night to run to the store. No else it there in the apartment and I have heard of a guy going around a burglarizing the apartments next to me. I pull out my Fake TV Burglar Deterrent Device and place it in the family room next to my TV. I head to the store to pick up my sister’s birthday gift. When I get back I find out that the apartment across from mine had been robbed. I rush to mine and check it. Everything is still there and I can thank the Fake TV Burglar Deterrent Device for saving my stuff.

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