Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Media and Religion Hooking Up

Just as a small blog since I found in interesting that this would happen. Apparently an assembly of catholic bishops have "called for the use of mass communications." These would include television, cinema, DVD's and even iPods. They obviously are planning to use these to spread the Word in as many languages as possible all over the globe.
Now when I sit here writing this I cant but help to wonder how our lives could change so much more with even more advertising let alone by the Vatican. I can just see myself sitting in the movie theater and watching the advertisements for a scary movie and all of a sudden there's a massive flash of white light that comes from the screen and there's Jesus with a bible in his hand reciting a verse from the bible. And of course for ironic purpose's it just so happens to be about expelling evil and the like. So of course that just ruins your movie cause your sitting there not paying attention to the movie because your worried about god coming down and smiting you for watching the scary movie. ... Anything can happen in this crazy world of ours. So I'm not saying to go out there and protest this obsurde action the Vatican has taken but I say to take it as some comedy. Be aware of what goes out into the media and find those ironic moments and just have a laugh. After all you don't get to smile that much in college with all the work that has to be done like writing a blog for example.

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