Friday, October 24, 2008

Feel the Music!

Just last week I broke my headphones. You know, the stupid little white and gray ones that you get with every new iPod you buy. Well they developed a huge crack in the side of them and the speaker itself was starting to come out. So I went on to see what they had in the field of headphones. As I was looking through I discovered these headphones called Vibe Body Sound Headphones and honestly they look awesome.

These headphones play music like every other headphone but they do not go in your ear. It clips to the back of your ear leaving your ear open to hear other things going on around you. The headphones are placed on the back of the ear because they use your own body to transmit the music. They create a vibration that travels along your skin and through the cartilage in your ear. Then the vibrations reach the inner ear drum and are read as if you actually had regular headphones in. The ear drum is able to make out the vibrations and turn them into your favorite music. Another great advantage of these headphones is that they do not block out the sounds of everything around you. So you can actually have intelligent conversations with your friends while you still enjoy your music.

Now I want you to imagine walking down the street feeling your music vibrating throughout your body. You can have a conversation with your friend about your history exam that night. If you really want, you can listen to your music in class. This is a great device because it is small and it leaves your ear open to hear every word the professor says. These headphones would be great for me because I have a tendency to not look both ways before crossing the street while I am listening to music. So no longer will I have to run across the street to avoid being hit by a bus since I can hear it coming. I recommend this gadget to anyone who wishes to no longer be honked at by cars when you pass in front of them.


Dj_P said...

This idea of actually not having to put in the headphones into your ear is a pretty interesting thing. I've always wanted to be able to listen to my music and be able to listen to what is going on around me. The idea of also having the vibration of the music going through your body instead of going to your ear drum I think is a very cool thing. I actually think I"m going to give these things a try. Good post without seeing it I wouldn't have ever known of these things.

daydreamer said...

You did a great job of explaining how these headphones work! Although, I never thought about having the headphones outside of my ear, it seems like a great idea. I walk around campus sometimes with only one ear piece in because I want to hear everything else going on and, as you mentioned, listening for cars and busses. We used to try to get headphones that would block our more and more surrounding sound and now we're going the total opposite way. Great idea.