Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Alright, I was once again searching for something to write about, when I stumbled across something that made me stop what I was doing, and say, “Really? It’s come to this?” You’re asking yourself what I’m talking about. Well, politicians have crossed the threshold from television and radio ads, and done the unthinkable. Yes, they are now in our video games.

I know, the video game guys probably should have done this one, but I felt that this move by democratic nominee Barack Obama is a new step into the world of technological elections.

In the game Burnout Paradise (Xbox 360), if you sign in to your Xbox live account, you will randomly see billboards as you race your friends. These billboards have a picture of Barack on them, and a link to a site on how to register to vote.

I for one am actually kind of shocked that Barack Obama would stoop this low. Firstly, most avid gamers are below voting age, so unless they are very convincing to their parents, Barack is not going to get a vote there. Secondly, the “ads,” don’t really say anything. It does not make you want to vote for him, it just gives him name recognition with the 18+ gamers. Not a fair way to win an election in my opinion.

Now that I have been on my little rant, I just wanted to talk about the endless possibilities that politicians have come into when they are trying to campaign. It used to be word of mouth, which then evolved into newspapers and radio. Then, TV came about and the televised debates revolutionized the process. Now, video games are taking over and the young kids of the world feel like they have a voice, but for now, they are just going to keep asking mommy and daddy to vote for Barack. I feel like it’s a silly move by Barack, but what can you do? Technology is ever evolving.

1 comment:

supervanman64 said...

Yeah, why does he have to stoop so low as to advertise himself on games? I mean that is pretty lame to say the least. And you are right, many gamers are below voting ages anyway, but one thing is that most gamers are between 18 and 35, so he does get to affect some people. But just like you said, it doesn't inform you or anything. Does he think he'll get more votes just cause his face was on a racing game billboard? I hope not, 'cuz then those people are stupid. Anyhow, this is a informative blog with good feedback on you views. I like it. Good Job!