Wednesday, October 22, 2008

New Type of Microchip

For those of you who couldn’t tell, my last blog about Circuit City was not something I would say I am “proud of.” I wrote it because it fit the topic, and it might be interesting to some people out there, but I doubt the majority cared.
My new topic is quite different. It is something that everyone will be able to use, and if it goes as planned, can revolutionize the medical world as we know it. The basis of this revolution is a small “microchip” that goes under your skin, and monitors your health. If something goes wrong, it knows that it needs to release medicine into the bloodstream.
This chip, about the size of a dime, will help the medical world take a much more personal step into our lives. With it, we do not have to go to the doctor for checkups nearly as routinely. If we have something that fixes the problem when it occurs, what’s the point in going to a doctor?
Imagine if you have diabetes, you can see that if you are having a lack of sugar, you will naturally have blood and kidney problems. But, with this chip, the body is constantly watched and taken care of when it is in trouble. The body will release the medicine necessary to combat against the problem, and thus will help prolong life.
Testing for the MicroChip will begin next year, and the hope is that soon enough, the chip will be able to realize and correct more severe problems within the body, including degeneration of organs, or the body’s systems over all. It will also be able to release more and more doses of drugs and vaccines, and this will help remove some of the stress of people having to take several medicines throughout the day. If they do not have to worry about taking it, less stress will be evident.
This is definitely a cool thing.

1 comment:

photogirl said...

This is one of the coolest things I've ever heard! I knew it would happen eventually, but I had no idea that they were actually going to be working on it so soon. I don't know about you, but going to the doctor is one of my least favorite things to do. Waiting in that smelly room filled with old people... not my idea of a good time. Even worse though is going to the dentist. Going to the doctor is a walk in the park compared to going to the dentist. They should make a chip that goes in your cheek or something that would fix anything that goes wrong with your teeth. Now that I would buy into.