Wednesday, October 8, 2008

10 Ways To Waste Your Time On The Web

Say its raining outside and you got no homework to do or you are just absolutly bored out of your mind. Want a way to pass the time? Well heres Ten sites that can help you burn some time on the web.

1. Great place to hang out and listen to those intro or songs in your favorite shows on TV. Its got a whole bunch of blogs and forums about all of your favorite TV shows.

2. MSN Encarta Quiz: If you have secretly dreamed of winning on "Are You Smarter Then A Fifth Grader" which i hope you are, or "Jepardy" then this is the site for you. Test your skills with a self grading quiz from any topic like geography to the obscure tests of dancing.

3. Fail Blog: Website full of hilarious photos for your laughing pleasure. The picture in the top right is a preview to this site.

4. Kongregate: if your into simple flash games this is the site for you. Its got hours on end of free demo games along with the thousands of flash games you can waste your time with.

5. StumbleUpon: Website full of other websites people have randomly bumped into. Some are crazy and just might blow you away.

6. Well self explainitory i should think. This website is for those HARDCORE scrabble players that love scoring the big points.

7. Im sure youve seen this already but this is a really wacky hilarious website of different blogs videos forums and the like to which the twist is put into puppets and other hilarious sorts of shows.

8. Spirograph: Lets try making yourself sick maybe. On this website you can create your own patterns and shapes of different colors as you watch it move across the screen. I definatly know this would make me sick.

9. Smalltime Industries: THis is probably the best site i see for when your bored. This site has you answers questions and then based on these questions tells you stuff your thinking of like what sitocom character your thinking of or what dictator.

10. For all of those people who love the funnies in the paper this is the site for you. Theres a massive database of cartoons that were in past papers of the New York Times. For a big newspaper like this one I doubt you will find one that isnt funny.


Va-Tech777 said...

Thanks for giving me all of these random sites for me to gouge myself into for hours and hours. I always love going to the random sites with pics or games. They are well worth the waste of time and life that i put into them. I always seem to get stuck on these sites and just randomly go back to them from time to time. Some of the sites that you have given above are not as good as the others probably but I will definitely check them all out. Hope you will give more of these in the future.

Unknown said...

If you like Cartoon Bank, have a look at CartoonStock - hundreds of thousands of cartoons from all over the world!

Shilpa said...

This was a very useful topic! With the weather getting cold outside I find myself spending more time in my room with nothing to do and this blog is just the thing for me.
I’m someone who frequently goes to the internet to find interesting things to while away my time but your entry helps as you have organized it into subtitles which make it easier for us to refer to ones we like. One thing you could do sometime is to link each subtitle to the specific web-page. It makes the job a lot easier for lazy people like me who hate copy and pasting/re-typing!
I would love to see some other suggestions in the near future.

daydreamer said...

This is awesome!! Whenever im bored and don't have anything to do, im sure this will keep me busy. Ive said to myself before that there are SOOO many websites and still I never find anything new on the internet. It'll be a nice change from facebook where all I seem to do is hit "home" in between sentences of my english homework. =]

photogirl said...

i totally forgot about homestarrunner.... thanks for reminding me!