Wednesday, November 5, 2008


When watching the presedential debate last night im sure you saw those CNN reporters go crazy with their new technology. One of the main pieces they used was the Magic Wall which they used to display which state went to who. I noticed they seemed to rub in the new technology that they get to use or at least were getting paid to "advertise" it. This wall that you saw from what you remember was able to zoom in and out of states on the map. You could then go into the state and see the different counties and how that plays out for the canidate to win the state.

This product was created by a company called Perceptive Pixel. Supposedly the guy who came up with the idea for this new kind of touch screen thought of this when he picked up a glass of water an how light reacted in the water to his hand. The sole purpose of these inventions used by these reporters is to give a better understanding to viewers about the news being reported. I did kind of enjoy the new style of how they presented this presedential race because it gave a more detailed view of how the canidate won each state that it did. It did this in a more organized fashion and it wasnt just the reporter telling us that a such canidate won this state and you move on. So if we take this into regular news reports I think this might give veiwers a better understanding for those reports as well.

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