Wednesday, November 12, 2008


I like to write articles about the things we take for granted in technology. One of those articles was about “facebook”, and another was about “google earth.” Both of these are awesome to use, and many of us use them quite frequently, without thinking about the history of it, or its future. Another such topic I’m going to write about today, is the joy of Youtube.
Youtube was created in February 2005, and was made so users could upload movie clips, TV clips, and music videos. One extra thing the creators allowed was the ability for users to upload their own personal videos, allowing for amateur filming to begin rising. Shortly after the creation, in October 2006, Youtube had gained enough popularity for Google to become interested. Google made a deal with the three creators, and the three men sold the rights of Youtube for $1.65 Billion.
Youtube has the ability to create an account name, so that you can add your own videos, or “subscribe” to videos. When you subscribe, the site realizes the type of video you subscribed to, and allows you to view other videos similar to that one, or by the same author. Many of the videos do not require you to be registered to the site, but some, which might be potentially offensive, require you to put in your age to determine if you are legally an adult. At the age of 18, you can watch whichever videos you want.
The amount of videos, and subscribers on Youtube is quite astonishing. According to a study in January 2008, there had been over 3 Billion video views, and considering its November, it’s quite safe to say we are well past that. Another study in April of 2008 has shown that Youtube has over 80 Million videos loaded onto its site, and its constantly growing. A third study, this one done in 2007, says that over 13 hours of video are uploaded every minute. In this same study, the amount of bandwidth used strictly by Youtube in 2007 was more than the entire internet had in 2000.
I’m not sure about you, but I have spent many nights not doing homework, and watching youtube instead. With all of the videos that youtube has, its impossible not to enjoy the something put onto the site. Youtube has an extremely wide range, including funny videos, music videos, clips from movies and tvs, political videos, news videos, and just weird and odd videos that probably should not be put on the internet, but are anyway.

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