Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Voter Fraude finally over with?

As of yesterdays poll's it is obvious to people that Barack Obama won with a fairly huge margin. People still never seem to admit the fact that a president wins because they can always fall back on the excuse of voting machines causing problems. In past elections this has been called on as an excuse publicly like the Y2K bug in 2000. From whats reported in washington they do say that its a great time to be confident in our electoral system because we went with very few problems and all seemed to run smoothly. The only problems that seemed to be reported was the sheer number of people who went out and voted. The biggest states that posed problems were pennsylvania and virginia which do hold some issues because of the population per square mile factor. Theres just too many people spread out across those states. Supposedly reported though people had to stand in line for hours because of the voting machines not working.
My take on all of this is that we shouldnt have had problems. People dont seem to worry about the people factor. With massive amounts of people showing up to vote your obviously going to have to wait. Theres just no way around it. Im also very impressed at how smooth the election went this year. From the age of going from paper ballots to machines and having it run as smooth as it did i definatly think were going to start shifting to the machines more. 

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