Wednesday, November 12, 2008


What’s his third article gonna be this week? I know you are all asking yourselves and can’t wait until I answer it. You just have to sit here, worried about what it might be. Is it some cool new phone? Or a way to make college life easier? Or is it something else? Is it perhaps something that he has already written 2 articles about this week? Well, if you guessed the last option, you are correct. My third article this week is once again, about youtube.
Last year, the US military shut down the use of Youtube by its soldiers, for two reasons. Security, and the use of bandwidth on the network. So, all of the troops overseas right now have nothing to do in their downtime. What did the military do in order to cure the boredom? They created Trooptube. Trooptube is a site which allows you to sign up as a branch of the military, or friend or family of a member of the military and watch videos.
What is the benefit of this? Well, it will allow family members to place videos of their ever-growing family on the site, so the military members have something to look forward to when they get home.
The military does watch over the site, and watches each video before it is sent out. This way, they can prevent obscene material going over the site and will keep the troops focused on family, and their duty.
Personally, I think this is a great idea for all the troops we have overseas. Say that there is a brand new parent out there, and is worried how their baby is doing. With trooptube, you are able to see how the baby is growing and how their significant other is as well. It’s a whole new world of communicating across thousands of miles.

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