Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Researching for this topic, I noticed quite the interesting article about technology from the election. Apparently, during the election, CNN used “holographic technologies” to transport two people into the CNN studios. Did I grab your attention? I thought I may have
During the reports of the election last night, Jessica Yellin, a reporter for CNN, claimed she was being “beamed” from a distant location to the CNN studios and it made it appear as if they were actually in the studio talking to Wolf Blitzer and Anderson Cooper. She claims this was made possible by 35 high-definition cameras in a circular patter around her which covered her body from all angles, and these cameras made a 3-D image of her which was then put into the studio.
This sounds awesome, doesn’t it? Well, I just thought you should know that it’s not exactly what it sounds like. Wolf and Anderson never actually saw her inside the studio. Instead, her image was just placed into the broadcast image. She never actually appeared to the two men, she was just edited into the television image.
So, it’s not quite as cool as it sounds, but it still grabs my attention, and makes me wonder, when will we start using holographic images to transport people to another place. I know they did it in the Star Wars movies (yeah, I know, I sound like a nerd), so I wonder if it’s possible to implement the technology into the real world. Imagine the benefits of such a technology.
I really think the US needs to start working on a way of communicating with a holographic device. I can really see no problem with it. You can’t hurt anyone with a holographic image, so there is no risk of that, and you really are only helping the world with it. I say, go for the gold and let’s make holograms a reality.


photogirl said...

Im really glad you wrote this because I saw the election last night and was shocked. I was pretty positive that they couldn't actually see the hologram in the studio, but they totally played it off like they could. When I asked my friend about it he said "I'm pretty sure that if holograms could actually happen, we would know about it by now." After agreeing that this was true, we came to a joint conclusion that no, they werent real. I do have to commend cnn though for making it look so believeable... but oh wait. That's their job.

TechBot said...

Sorry to burst your bubble but holograms actually do exist now. An old teacher of mine went to a technology/graphics conventions and saw a small hologram of a house. He even took an illegally to a video clip of it to show his classes. The hologram was actually quite good. It was a replica of a two story house. The hologram even had the ability to change the color of the house and it could change the size of it. The technology for holograms is very expensive so there are not that many around yet, but they are coming.