Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Warning To the Vista Users

There has been recent talk going around about when Windows is giving up the support for Vista. You may have heard from people or from some of the Apple commercials that Vista has set back windows from competing with Apple on new systems. There is talk that Windows is about ready to release Windows 7 and is going to try and push it onto the market early to get back in the game. But wait what about all those users out there who still use Vista. Well in my opinion you need to switch now. I havent personally used Vista but Ive heard from others that they were about to throw there computer out the window because of the frustrations they recieved from it. From what Windows has told the media is that they have documented all the users that are using Vista right now and are ready to deliver the new Windows 7 without leaving those users out in the cold. So for the college students using Windows just keep your ears open and be ready to switch over or you might lose your operating system mid year or even worse mid-paper when you havent saved it yet and its your big formal paper for the year.
The next question a student might ask is what benefits will I get from this new Windows 7. Stated by Windows, it brings updated security which was the dreadful problem of vista and other then that it creates a step back from Vista so they make sure the problems dont occur again. So Just be careful with what you go with out there. It sounds like vista is getting thrown in the trash and it seems like they are takeing that step back to regain the lost time they might have lost with offering vista to users.
If you live on the other side of the spectrum like me being a mac user you kinda sit back and chuckle at all of the scrambling that Windows has done to try and catch up. Yes i have been told that macs are much more expensive then the windows computers but then i just ask them how many times has your computer locked up on them. That usually gets them to stop. The one big problem i seem to have with windows is the poor organization of there different applications. With the Mac you can easily find what you are looking for because they are in the most logical spot for the ordinary computer user. So for all those college students out there frustrated with Windows and dont want to go through the hassle with another failing Software system.


supervanman64 said...

Whoa!! What a minute. So...Windows is going to trash Vista?! That is more than sucks, it mega sucks! I'm saying that because I personally own a Vista laptop. I had no idea about this, but you suggested that you can the computer, but that's not an option for me since I spent like, $1500 on it, and I've only been using it for a month. Anyway, thanks for the heads up, I had no idea about what was happening to Vista before I read this. It was well informed. Keep up the good work!

Allison said...

Before anyone freaks out (including me-- I might be using Vista but I don't know for sure), let's get some facts. There aren't any links in this entry, so we can't tell if the information came from a reliable source or not.