Monday, September 22, 2008

Lecture with a Buzzer!?

Recently reported by ABC news, educators across the country are buying into the new technology that is allowing professors to figure out there question they always ask in the back of there mind, "Is anyone paying attention?" Supposedly the new technology isn't new but its new to the classroom. The main part of the technology is the clicker that is very similar to a remote and sends responses by the students back to the computer of the teacher instantly. With this technology, the teachers and students enjoyed the item and said it helps with the class as a whole. 
Now from what you have heard, I want you to imagine your most boring class. Then picture that class with this new technology at work in it. Probably seems logical doesn't it? Well, with this new technology spreading rapidly across different campus's around the world you could soon see this new technique of teaching by teachers soon. I think this could bring more engagement by the students to the lecture and it wont call students out if a teacher asks them an answer to a question and they have no clue what going on. I know for sure I would need it in a few of my classes at the later levels because of how hard the material is going to get and how many times it might take me to understand it clearly. If you think this is a good idea bring it up with your teacher and maybe they will consider what the new technology can bring to the class. Trust me any teacher has gone through that tough question if anyone is paying attention or not. 

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