Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Computerized World

Now that I've been a student for a few weeks, I've gotten to see what other pieces of technology that everyone around me has. One that almost everybody has in common, is a computer of some sort. Some are Mac, some are PC. Some are laptops, and some are desktops. One thing that everyone agrees on is that computers are essential to a college lifestyle.

Everyday, I use my computer more than I have fingers on my hands. It seems that with my generation and many others, that life without a computer has become a thing of the past. The computer has completely revolutionized the face of today's youth, and it will continue to do so.

Real homework has become obsolete. As I type, I am fulfilling the requirements of my English class. One hour ago, I was doing my math assignment online. It seems that everybody is using the invention of the computer to their benefit.

Though students use the computer for homework, they use it for a cure for boredom as well. Several times during the typing of this blog, I have switched over to my Facebook page, in order to see what is going on socially in my own personal world. I also have been using my computer to listen to my favorite music, to help keep me entertained while I do my homework.

The computer is truly becoming a necessary piece of equipment for all students, and even homes. I remember when I got my first computer, and I told my friends about it. They had no idea what I was talking about. Granted, we were in kindergarten, but if you were to mention the internet to a kindergartener today, he/she would immediately know what you are talking about.

With new innovations and technologies, the world is becoming a much cooler place

1 comment:

Allison said...

Is homework only homework if it's handwritten? Does a technological aspect to homework make it more enjoyable?

I must admit, when I write a paper, the computer is my primary tool, which worries me a bit. I'm not arguing that the computer isn't a great tool, but I've noticed a difference in the papers of students who do some sort of long-hand pre-writing and those who complete the entire process on the computer. Somewhere along the line when typing became writing, we lost an important part of writing. When we "write" using a computer, we seem to think we're done as soon as we type the last period. Not so. Remember (it may be hard) when you wrote something by hand, revised it, and _then_ typed a finished version? If you create as you type, you very often just go with the flow, going with the inspiration that just popped into your head and forgetting what you've just written, making your introduction and thesis completely irrelevant. This is a problem, and if you haven't realized it yet, some day in the near future you will.