Thursday, September 11, 2008

Apple Inc. has come out with a new iTunes that is said to make it your favorite iTunes set up even better. Being the 8th full remake of the original iTunes, Apple has introduced some new features to it in this update. First they added Genius play lists. When you play a song on your iTunes it gives you an option to click on the Genius button which will create a whole play list of other songs from your library that go great together with the song you just played. Another feature is the genius sidebar. The sidebar introduces new music that you might like but don't own. It is the same technique as the genius play list but it search's on the iTunes store for songs that go well with the song you were just listening to. Another new feature is Grid View. This feature displays your entire music library using the cover are of all the different albums. When you select artist's, genres, or composers iTunes automatically creates groups of albums based on your selection. Under the iTunes store you can now purchase TV shows in HD. With the new HD features on iPod and iPhone products you can see these newly bought shows from iTUnes on a crisp and clear screen. The final feature they added is different visualizers for the people who love the streaming video on there computer as they play their music. They added 3D-scapes of spheres, ribbons, and lights that pulsate to the beat and tempo of the song your playing.

With this new update from iTunes this greatly heaps out the college student. Initially with the genius option as a whole this lowers the research and time needed for the student to have to go searching for new songs at the iTunes store. Students would want this if they were searching for more songs if they were getting bored with the ones they were listening to now or if they wanted to find some new ones. With the genius play list this saves the college student loads of time to have to go sort out their songs into different play lists when they have it set automatically for them. With the grid view this makes it faster to sort and search for songs to put in special play lists that the student might want. This favors the students with massive music libraries that have a hard time finding what they are searching for. With the new HD shows students can get a better feel for the shows they like to watch, since HD gives them a better picture. The visualizer gives them a better feel for the music and makes it look better if your not using the computer to do any other work.

1 comment:

Allison said...

Great way to integrate the college student's concerns! I can tell you were thinking about your audience.