Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Big Bang Theory... Again?

One of the largest scientific breakthroughs could occur today, when Swedish scientists attempt to recreate one of the largest forces ever seen. Today, the Big Bang could be recreated. In order to relive the “creation of the universe” that occurred over 13 billion years ago, scientists will use what is known as a particle accelerator.

A particle accelerator works by rapidly spinning atoms in opposite directions, and waiting for the atoms to crash into each other. When they do, the atoms break apart, allowing scientists to find out what the atom is made of. By conducting the experiment they do today, scientists might be able to find what matter is truly made of, and therefore, finally understand some of the most complicated topics in the universe.

Paul Tipton, a professor at Yale University, says, “It could be the most exciting thing since Einstein.” Tipton and his team have been helping the Swedish scientists design and build the accelerator.

According to the Big Bang theory, the universe should be expanding at a much slower rate when compared to the past. This is not true, though. The universe is rapidly expanding, and we do not have a reason for it. The hope is that the particle accelerator will help scientists answer these questions.

Unfortunately, the answers will not simply jump out at us when we conduct the experiment. The experiment itself is going to take a few weeks. After the experiment is performed, it will take a further few years of studying. Scientists will also have to conduct more experiments based on data they obtain.

Nobody is really sure what can come out of this, but it is hoped that the mysteries of the universe will become more apparent. Even if we do not get an outright answer, we can still get pushed into the correct direction. Tipton also says, “Humans have never learned something and not used it.” With new innovations and technologies, the world is becoming a much cooler place.

1 comment:

Va-Tech777 said...

Wouldn’t recreating the big bang theory be a little, you know, “dangerous?” I mean if we failed to actually make the big bang theory happened so many other things could possibly go wrong. Like if a black hole was created inside the accelerator it could grow and consume the entire earth because particle accelerators also produce dark matter. There could also be numerous other things could go wrong maybe it could be too big of an explosion and send earth off its geosynchronous orbit around the sun, but I guess we will not know until the “experiment” is finally finished.