Thursday, September 11, 2008

Google Taking Over The Internet!

WELCOME MY NAME IS TECHBOT! I am here to present you with the latest advances in technology. Today’s topic is about the brand new Google Browser.

Let me put it this way, Google got board of being the top search engine and decided to take over the rest of the internet. They have created a system that will allow them to see what you are doing without you even going to The new browser that they created is called Chrome.

Chrome was revealed to the public on September 2, 2008. Google Chrome is the fastest and most reliable browser on the market. The new browser is all open-source which means the source code is readily available to the public. This is great for those programmers out there because we now can change it to what we want.

Google Chrome actually started development over two years ago. The browser was created from the ground up. Chrome’s new coding structure is supposed to help dispose of the browser’s interruptions so you have a smoother web experience. The new browser also helps manage the processing power of applications you use while on the web, like Google Maps. Chrome has a new security feature the keeps rogue websites from entering your computer by locking them to the browser. So in other words the browser takes the damage from the infected sites and spares your computer.

Google’s browser is unbelievable fast but being fast is not the only good thing about. Chrome lets you create application shortcuts to websites to put on your desktop. Meaning that you are given the chance to go to your desktop and click on the Facebook icon. In doing so, Facebook would instantly open up and you would not have to wait for the web browser to load. With that speed we can save two minutes on having to wait to change our status.

Another great aspect about Chrome is that there are page tabs. But they are no ordinary tabs; they have special aspects. For instance, you can switch between tabs while one is still loading. This makes it easier for you to switch between opening Facebook and writing blogs. Also, if your blog page should crash you are still able to switch to another tag without having all the other pages crash too. This helps keep memory from getting backed up and creates a smoother transition between pages. The tabs have been created so that you are able to pull them out of the browser window and create a new window.

Chrome does have a nifty though, every time you open the browser it brings up the nine most visited sites. This feature helps give the browser a more customized look. It makes it easier for you to return to pages that are more important to you. Also their security is set up to fight malware and phishing through a continually downloaded list of troublesome websites. Chrome does a good job of keeping cookies in check by deleting all of them every time you close the browser.

Google Chrome sounds like a great browser and I recommend everyone should try it out.

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