Thursday, September 18, 2008

American's Love Their Video Games!

Everyone does it; well actually 97% of the youth in America do it. After a survey released on Tuesday, the American people realize that almost every youth plays video games. Be them elite gamers or casual players, everyone plays video games. Everyone has their own weapon of choice, it maybe a decked out Xbox controller or a full gaming keyboard.

According to the survey 99% of all boys play some type of video game and 94% of all girls. Now the percent of boys does not surprise me, cause who would not want to beat the crap out of their friends without retaliation. The percent of girls does surprise me though but now that I think about it, what girl would not jump on the chance to make their boyfriends cry like a baby after getting their jimmy whipped in Guitar Hero.

The survey also goes on to say how video games do not deter people from being social instead it does the opposite. It says how people who game are more social because they are constantly communicating with other players. Gamers use all sorts of communication devices. They use headsets to help them intimidate their opponents and help them communicate with their allies so that they can win. Gamers across the world collect the latest technology to help them better their game and become the best.

Video games are one of the best social interactions between people that were ever invented. One day you may be sitting in your room and hear someone screaming hysterically at the end of the hall. So as the nosey person you are you head down to see what is up. You end up stopping in front of a room in which ten people are sitting in staring at a single television. You notice that they are playing Guitar Hero on the Wii. You mention that you love that game and instantly you have ten new friends who cannot wait to challenge you.

Technology is invented to help people become more connected and as you can see, I think it is doing its job.