Friday, November 14, 2008

No Longer Plastic Cards!

Well Christmas time is almost upon us. Thanksgiving is in a couple of weeks and then off to the stores to buy gifts for our friends and family. But you always run into the dilemma of what to get everyone; so you go to one store and buy twenty gift cards worth ten bucks each. You try to pick a variety of card designs so that it does not look like they all came from the same store even though they have the store's logo printed on the front. But do not worry about that situation this year because you can now buy a camera for everyone instead of a cheap plastic bookmark.

Now when I say camera, I mean camera gift card. Yes companies have started a new trend of gift cards. They are no longer shimmering, holographic pictures imprinted on plastic rectangles, now they are small practical electronic devices. Imagine going into a store needing to get a small gift which will not cost you an arm and a leg. After spending hours wondering through the store realizing that everything would actually cost you an arm and both of your legs, you make your way up to the front where the gift cards are located. You spot a little camera sitting on hook right next to the card with Santa giving the peace sign. The tag says it is a gift card but that it is actually a working camera too. The perfect gift for your three hundred friends and family members is now hanging right in front of you. This 1.2 Megapixel camera, which includes a working flash and it can save up to fifty images on its 8MB built in memory. The gift card also comes with a USB cable, software, and a certificate for 40 free prints at that store.

This new still of gift card is really interesting and a great way to attract more attention. Last year the number of gift cards bought during the Christmas season totaled into the billions of dollars worth of revenue for companies. Add the mini camera to the mix and you could be looking at companies rolling in dough, literally. So look out for these small gizmos and realize that you do not have to stick to the plastic bookmarks anymore. These camera gift cards are available at all Target stores and maybe a few other retail stores.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think. People are very commonly using of Plastic cards from last few years. People are take this as their living standard. In future this will be an important part for their living.
Plastic Card